Ad Posting Policy is committed to servicing the classic and antique automobile industry. The ads placed on should follow this industry specific standard. Please read the following Ad Posting Policy.

1.) Ads shall not contain swear words or reference vulgar language in any way, they should also remain free from racial or criminal matters.

2.) Ads shall not contain links to outside vendors containing vulgar, racial, criminal or pornographic material or material users may find potentially offensive.

3.) Ads should be consistent with the goal of OldRide, buying and selling classic and antique vehicles, parts, wanted and collectible automobilia.

4.) Ads posted shall be free from illegal material, stolen or "hot" items. 

5.) is not responsible for sales transactions, if you choose to do business with someone as a result of an ad listing on this is by your choice. If you are unsure about a potential buyer or seller we urge you to seek out investigation before engaging in a transaction!

6.) is not responsible for hotlinking of pictures, if someone links up your ad picture on their site we cannot be responsible for any damages which may result. will try to advert this kind of action but cannot be held liable.

7.) reserves the right to display its advertisers on all ad listing pages.

8.) Parts Classifieds shall consist of Parts & Accessories for vehicles only. Parts Cars are vehicles that are not running and mostly unrestorable and are available for parts only. Vehicles listed in the Parts Classifieds, which appear in general operable condition, and restorable will be removed!

9.) All sellers listing vehicles, parts or merchandise on must have the ability to transfer title or ownership of the listed item. All sellers must be the registered owner or have written permission from the legal owner to act as a consignor or broker for vehicle ad listings. Please note: All brokers or consignors should state in the item description of the ad that they are a broker or consignor of the item that they are listing. Dealer accounts are not for resale and are limited to the Dealers inventory only. Dealer Accounts may not advertise additional dealers and brokers inventory.

10.) Expired ads may be renewed and will remain in your MyOldRide account for up to 90 days. After 90 days all ads that are expired or have been marked as sold will be removed from the OldRide classifieds database, and will no longer be located in your MyOldRide account folder.

Any ads found not following these guidelines will be promptly removed from the OldRide system without notice to the original poster and without reimbursement of any applicable fees. OldRide reserves the right to make fair and practical judgments upon these matters and guidelines. OldRide also reserves the right to update this policy.

For assistance or support please call 800-252-2260 or 413-663-5046 or email [email protected].