Ad Enhancements

Ad Listing Options and Enhancements

Prior to submitting your ad listing be sure to include any additional enhancements you would like to include. Enhancements cannot be added to your listing once your ad is placed! Due to our security policy OldRide does not store your credit card information on file, it is therefore not possible to add these enhancements once your ad has been submitted and is active.

Rotational Featured Ad: Increase the visibility of your ad dramatically by including your listing into the rotation of featured listings displayed in the right-hand column of ads on the OldRide Home Page. Upon each visit of the OldRide Home Page you will encounter a new set of featured ad listings. This feature does not include the top-most featured ad that remains consistently displayed; OldRide Support chooses this listing. Please email OldRide Support if you would like your ad reviewed for this spot, (no guarantees however your ad will be picked).


Gallery Thumbnail: While browsing the classified listings you may have noticed some ads contained a small camera icon while others contained a small thumbnail of the vehicle itself. This small thumbnail is referred to as the Gallery Thumbnail.


Bold Ad Title: This option bold's your ad title for better visibility


Highlight Ad Background: This option highlights your ad background from the standard white to a soft yellow.