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gp1964 |
15 years ago in PONTIAC
For some reason, I am unable to keep a clutch in my 1964 Grand Prix longer than 90 days. I have had to adjust it every week for free play however it is still getting chewed up. I'm no granny that rides the clutch but I'm not a hot rodder either. Would anyone have a solution?
Answers (2)
Stock Photo
15 years ago
It could be possible that you have a misalignment condition between the clutch housing and engine. If you notice the alignment to be okay, it could also be possible that the standard clutch for this car isn't heavy enough to withstand the use you are giving it. Switch to a heavy-duty clutch and pressure plate.
Stock Photo
15 years ago
Bigger question is what brand of clutch pack did you install (who is the manufacturer)? And did you have your flywheel machined? A scored up flywheel can shorten the life-span of the clutch!