British Automobile Owners' Association

Based in Albuquerque, NM, but representing all of NM, the BAOA was started 30 years ago, in the founder's kitchen. over coffee! We have monthly dinner meetings, monthly Board meetings, and events throughout the year, for any British cars-sports cars, trucks, bikes, and passenger cars. Our biggest annual event is on the last weekend of September each year. Called the Rio Grande Valley Regional Rendezvous, it is staged in different cities/towns in New Mexico and southern Colorado, one year in the northern half of the state, the next in the southern half. It is entering it's 30th year with that criteria! There are always give-away bags and prizes, friendly comradery, and collectible tile awards (by member ACE FRY), given out for all the events of the Rendezvous, the longest distance driven in your Brit car, a Broken Spoke, and a Helping Hand award, as well as a large tile award for overall "Best of Rendezvous". These hang on the wall in your home, garage, or trophy room! This event attracts British cars and their drivers from all over the Southwest, and some years, all over the country.



PO Box 35445

Albuquerque, New Mexico

