Evart Car Club

The Evart Car Club was started in 1993 by a woman named Betty Scott. She and her husband, Forrest, had a passion for classic cars and they owned one of their own. She started the Evart Car Club with just a few friends who also had a love for the older vehicles. The very first car show was a huge success with 75 cars registering. Now, after many years the Evart Car Show had over 200 cars registered at the last show and each year the show continues to grow. The show brings in the most beautiful of classic cars and many nice prizes are given away. The show is a time for families to share the past and enjoy the day together. It is and always has been a free event for the community to enjoy. In addition to putting on the car show, the Evart Car Club has also started putting on a Burnout each year. The Burnout was an amazingly huge success from the very first show. It has grown by leaps and bounds each year. It will now be the fourth Burnout and each year the club tries to make it better and better with more cares, prizes, food, games, and fun! Just as the shows continue to grow, so does the Evart Car Club. It now has over 80 members and the fun that the members have is equal to no other! The club does a lot of work hosting these events but the fun they have together makes up for the work. Come and join us! Our club meets once a month (second Thursday). Dues are $10. The club is active in the community hosting many events such as comedy shows, piano bar, and monthly outings.



720 N. Main

Evart, Michigan



