
Just sitting in a yard is a late 60s early 70s Mopar with a Daytona wing. Not sure if it is a real Superbird.

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Jun 21, 2013

Those are Satellite taillights not Superbird. That car isn't a Superbird or a Roadrunner

Mar 23, 2013

No, those are the correct taillights as the Superbird was based on the Roadrunner/GTX platform and the Daytona was based on the Dodge Charger but with Coronet front fenders. This probably isn't real, but it would make a great clone!

Nov 11, 2011

the wing is superbird if he gets a 70 dodge r/t fenders n hood and calls year one for the nose he'd have a near superbird , just need a basic 440 or a true 426 hemi

Oct 28, 2011

Superbirds had vinyl tops and different tail lights.

Sep 13, 2011

Its most likely a roadrunner with a wing.