Search Questions
9 years ago in CHEVROLET
I recently picked up a '67 Impala that was advertised as "all original drivetrain." The block numbers are correct for 67 and the heads are dated 67. I don't have any reason to conclude the guy wasn't telling me the truth. I've been around GM stuff for years now and fairly familiar with number decoding and such. However, I've located the front number area on the block and the VIN numbers are not there. It doesn't appear to have been ground off or anything. The engine code numbers are present., just not the VIN portion. Is it possible they just missed stamping it? I think I can find the number on the fly wheel end of the engine block. I just don't want to pull the tranny to find out. Any advice is appreciated. I'll get some pics and attach them to a later post.
Answers (1)
Stock Photo
9 years ago
I dont think Chevrolet starting stamping partial vins until 1968. So, for a 67, it wouldnt be there.